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The Best 12 Herbs To Fight Rheumatoid Arthritis And Joint Pain

Arthritis is a broad word that refers to a variety of medical conditions which exhibit symptoms of joint pain, joint inflammation and stiffness. Herbs as well as other natural remedies could aid in relieving joint discomfort. Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms can be managed with good nutrition, exercise, medical treatments, or natural remedies.

According to Arthritis Foundation , this disease affects more than 50 million adult and 300,000. kids within the United States. Natural remedies, including supplements and herbs, can be safeand effective treatment options that have few negative side negative effects.

However it is true that there is only a small amount of research on the subject of natural solutions. Studies on science typically use animals or cell lines to study the effects of plant substances. Only a little clinical trials involving natural remedies are available.

The currently conducted research shows promising results. Future research will uncover even more crucial information for those in the medical field.

1. Aloe Vera

aloe vera to Fight Rheumatoid Arthritis

Aloe Vera is one of the succulent plants that is known because of its benefits for health. According to a 2018 review article by Trusted Source, Aloe vera is a plant that has anti-inflammatory, antiarthritic, and anti-rheumatoid effects. The aloe vera compounds provide anti-inflammatory properties comparable to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines. Research also suggests that aloe vera's compounds assist in eliminating free radicals from the body, as do antioxidants.

These antioxidants also reduce the inflammation of arthritis by stopping the creation of inflammation-related enzymes. One can apply aloe vera's sticky "gel" in aloe vera leaves on their skin, which they can apply directly on the skin. It is also possible to take aloe vera by ingestion, taking pills, or drinking juice from aloe.

2. Cinnamon

cinnamon to Fight Rheumatoid Arthritis

According to a report from 2020, cinnamon is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. The study found that the supplementation of cinnamon significantly affected inflammation and oxidative stress biomarkers. This suggests that cinnamon supplementation could help to reduce inflammation of arthritis and levels of oxidative stress, which could positively impact joint pain.

A smaller-scale study in 2018 by the Trusted Source also revealed that taking cinnamon powder capsules helped reduce inflammation and symptoms in females suffering from RA.

3. Cat’s Claw

cat's claw to Fight Rheumatoid Arthritis

Cat's Claw is an herb that can help reduce arthritis inflammation. It is the roots and bark of a tropical vine which is found throughout South as well as Central America. The use of it has been traditionally to treat inflammation and increase the immune system.

The Arthritis Foundation notes that cat's claw inhibits the tumor necrosis factor like the majority of conventional medications for RA.

They refer to a tiny, earlier study from 2002 , in which cat's claw was found to reduce joint swelling by 50 percent in people who suffer from RA. But, potential negative side effects include:

  • nausea and dizziness
  • Low blood pressure
  • headacheIt

is not recommended to use this herb if youare:

  1. Use blood thinners
  2. use medications that inhibit the immune system.
  3. are afflicted with tuberculosis.

As per the NCCIH rusty Source A few tiny studies have studied the claw of a cat to treat RA However, more research is required.

4. Eucalyptus

eucalyptus to Fight Rheumatoid Arthritis

Eucalyptus is a common remedy used by patients for a range of illnesses. The leaves of eucalyptus are used in topical treatments to relieve arthritis pain.

The leaves of the plant contain tannins, which can decrease pain and swelling related to arthritis. A few people also follow it up with heating pads to increase the effectiveness. Essential oils of Eucalyptus can help reduce the symptoms caused by RA.

Always dilute essential oils by using an appropriate carrier oil prior to using it. Make use of fifteen drops of oil in two tablespoons almond oil or an alternative neutral oil.

It is important to test for any allergies prior to using topical eucalyptus. It is known as patch tests. Place a small amount it on the forearm. It's considered non-toxic if there is no reaction within 24 or 48 hours.

5. Borage Oil

borage oil

Seeds of the Borago officinalis plant, also known as starflower, have significant amounts of vital omega-6 fat known as gamma-linolenic acids (GLA). The borage seed oil also has Linolenic acid, which our body converts into GLA.

GLA aids in maintaining cells' structure and the healthy functioning of joints. The body transforms GLA into prostaglandins which function as hormones to aid in the maintenance of our immune system. GLA is a great aid in reducing joint inflammation. It can help in preventing certain of the body's immune system's inflammatory reactions.

According to 2017 research by a trusted source Borage oil could aid in reducing symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) however, it may also trigger negative side effects.

6. Turmeric

turmeric to Fight Rheumatoid Arthritis

Turmeric originated in India as a yellow spice. Curcumin is found in the orange pulp of the stem. One 2018 articleTrusted source cited results from two human trials and several animal studies that suggest that curcumin may help reduce chronic inflammation due to Rheumatoid Arthritis. Curcumin may reduce inflammation and increase the number of cells that regulate it.

The body is unable to absorb large amounts of curcumin. This may limit its effectiveness as a treatment for joint pain. A 2018 study found that the compound piperine in black pepper can help reduce inflammation and increase curcumin absorption.

7. Frankincense

Frankincense to Fight Rheumatoid Arthritis

Frankincense Boswellia Serrata or Frankincense is the resin derived from the Boswellia bark. This resin is a popular ingredient in essential oils, perfumes, and incense. Chronic inflammation sufferers may also benefit from Frankincense. The Arthritis Foundation states that frankincense's active compounds have anti-inflammatory properties, which could help relieve arthritis symptoms.

A 2016 review article examining small-scale clinical trials showed evidence supporting the use of frankincense or other Boswellian products to manage arthritis symptoms. According to the authors, frankincense does not cure arthritis. However, 60%-70% of those who tried it reported significant improvement in their symptoms.

8. Ginger

ginger to Fight Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ginger has many uses in cooking. But, there may be some medicinal benefits. According to 2016 researchTrustedSource, the compounds that give ginger its strong flavor also possess anti-inflammatory properties. Some research suggests ginger might one day be an option for NSAIDs. Traditional medicine has used ginger to treat nausea for thousands of years.

But, you can also use ginger for RA and OA as well as joint and muscle pain. According to a 2014 review, authors believe that ginger ingredients could one day be used in a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. It could be used to manage the symptoms as well as prevent bone fractures. Ginger can be eaten in many different ways. These could include: Making tea with fresh ginger and tea bags. Boil water for 5 minutes.

Add powdered ginger to baked products Add fresh ginger root or powdered to savory recipes You can grate fresh ginger into a salad or stir fry It is unknown if the ginger tea's concentration of active ingredients can help with symptoms. A ginger supplement can contain significantly more ginger than a food or drink. Talk with your doctor to discuss ginger supplementation and the recommended dosage for therapeutic results.

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9. Thunder God Vine

Thunder God Vine to Fight Rheumatoid Arthritis

Thunder God vine is a species found in the southeast of China. Based on The NCCIHTrusted source, the thunder god vine could help reduce the symptoms associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Combining the thunder god vine with medical treatment could be more or less effective than medical treatments to reduce Arthritis or swelling.

However, the NCCIH recommends that using the thunder god vine could cause adverse effects, some of which could be severe, according to Trusted Source. The NCCIH also advises that women shouldn't use the thunder god vines during pregnancy due to the possibility of congenital disability.

It is recommended to speak with a medical professional or a licensed Naturopathic doctor. Naturopathy is a combination of modern treatments and traditional techniques.

10. Tea Green

tea green to Fight Rheumatoid Arthritis

Green Tea is a well-loved beverage. The antioxidants that it has can aid in reducing inflammation that can be caused by the RATrusted Source or the OATrusted Source.

You can drink green Tea for:

  • A drink
  • powder (matcha) to sprinkle on food items or smoothies
  • Supplements

Although scientists have discovered evidence to suggest that extracts or some aspects of green Tea can be a factor in arthritis, it's still unclear how much active ingredients in green tea can relieve symptoms.

However, it's probably to be safe for a majority of people. For a drink, it could be healthier than soda, coffee and other beverages that are sweetened insofar as you do not add sugar.

Further research is required to verify that green Tea can reduce inflammation and to determine the most effective method and dosage.

11. Willow bark

willow bark to Fight Rheumatoid Arthritis

According to an article from a 2015 review by researchTrusted Source, people have utilized canola bark for many years to decrease arthritis inflammation, ease fever, and reduce pain.

It is possible to use the bark of willow as tea or as a tablet.

Previous research from Trusted Source dating back to 2009 suggests it could help alleviate joint pain that is caused by OA as well as RA. However, the results are inconsistent, and further studies are required. Additionally, it might not be safe for all.

Common side effects can be:

  • stomach upset
  • high blood pressure
  • an allergic reaction, in particular in the case of an allergy to aspirin.
  • Stomach bleeding and ulcers in the event of an overdose

It is recommended to consult your physician before taking willow bark, particularly if you are taking blood thinners or suffer from a stomach ulcer. Please don't take it if you are intolerant to aspirin.

The white willow bark is loaded with salicin, and the chemical scientists employed in their research use Trusted Source to create aspirin.

Other complementary options

Herbal supplements aren't the only alternative for arthritis ease.

Specialists of the American College of Rheumatology, as well as The Arthritis FoundationTrusted Source, recommend these:

  • Management of weight
  • Exercises, such as Tai Chi or yoga
  • Cold and heat treatments
  • Stress management
  • a healthy diet
  • Acupuncture

A 2021 study by the Trusted Source Researchers found that acupuncture eased the discomfort and improved function in those suffering from OA.

Talk to your doctor about alternative medicine.

As interest in herbal remedies increases, conventional physicians are more inclined to examine the benefits of alternative therapies.
In trying to treat arthritis, Certain herbs can help you with your medication. It is crucial to know that herbal supplements can cause severe adverse negative effects.

The purchase of herbal products from a reliable source is essential.
The FDA doesn't regulate herbs for purity, quality packaging, dosage, or quality. There's no way of knowing whether a herb is harmful or has inactive ingredients.
Specific companies that sell supplements might pay for third-party testing.

Discuss all arthritis treatments with a doctor. Do not discontinue taking medications prescribed by your doctor unless it is recommended. Do not discontinue taking a medication prescribed by your doctor without permission from a doctor. Certain medications require adjustment to avoid severe adverse consequences.


Herbal remedies can help ease inflammation and pain that is caused by RA, Particularly if they are utilized in conjunction with conventional therapies.

Certain licensed health professionals may recommend complementary solutions to alleviate RA symptoms, which could include supplements, exercise, as well as Acupuncture.
